Utilize classroom technology to learn about watersheds and water quality. Find games geared towards a variety of age groups, all free to use online.

Rock your watershed!

Iowa State University

Determine use for parcels of land in a watershed, trying to balance both environmental and economic impacts. Scoring is based on balancing profit, nutrients, sediment, and biodiversity.

Don’t flood the Figits


Design a city that is safe from flooding. Learn about the impacts of pervious and impervious surfaces, while balancing the economic needs of the city.

Watershed Detective


Become a Watershed Detective by analyzing water samples. Find out what is causing water pollution and determine how to stop it.

Watershed Explorer


Identify and study some of the living things that call a watershed home.

Hydro Logic


For young learners. Learn about water traveling as a water droplet through the water cycle as a liquid, solid, and gas.

Leaf Pack Network Simulation

Stroud Center

For middle school and above. Learn about macroinvertebrate samples from streams of differing health.

People in Ecosystems Watershed Integration (PEWI)

Iowa State University

For high school and above. Helps students understand the impacts of agricultural and natural land uses through science simulation.